Monday, December 30, 2019

Dissociative Personality Disorder ( Ptsd ) - 1840 Words

Dissociative personality disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder, is an illness that is characterized by two or more distinct sub-personalities that repeatedly take control of the patient’s conscience and behavior. Each unique personality may exhibit behavior patterns, memories, and social relationships exclusive to that personality. According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness, the occurrence of DID is in one percent of the population of the United States (National Alliance of Mental Illness, n.d.). There is a rough estimate of 316 million people in the United States according to the census in 2013. Rendering to this statistic, 3.16 million people have Dissociative Identity Disorder in the United States.†¦show more content†¦326). For the people that have DID, the correct diagnosis take months and even years. Misdiagnoses are common ranging from schizophrenia to bipolar disorder with psychotic events. Medical history reveals there are unsuccessful psychiatric treatment, periods of amnesia, and disturbances in time perception. Standard tests that demonstrate presence of dissociation are: Diagnostic Drawing Series, Dissociative Experiences Scale, Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule, and SCID-D. Diagnosis also correlates with DSM-V. The signs and symptoms that are apparent are lack of recall beyond ordinary forgetfulness, pronounced changes in facial presentation, voice, and behavior. Hallucinations, particularly audio and visual disturbances are present. There are posttraumatic like symptoms: flashbacks, nightmares, and exaggerated startle response. Recurrent depression is reported. Lack of forming intimate personal relationships, sleeping disorders, eating disorders, somatic pain responses, substance abuse, guilt and shame, and suicidal tendencies or ideologies are also rampant. Treatment is a long term process, taking five years or longer. â€Å"DID patients spend an average of 6-12 years in treatment before a correct diagnosis is made and these people undergo costly and ineffective treatments† (Brand et al., 2014, p. 183). The initial goal of therapy is to

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